
Publisher: Collins [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Autobiography of Charles Darwin 
Year: 1958 
Call No: 920 DAR 
Birds on the wing 
Year: 1947 
Call No: 598.2 
Britain's structure and scenery 4th ed 
Year: 1960 
Call No: 551.7 
British amphibians and reptiles. Rev.ed 
Year: 1954 
Call No: 598.1 
British game 
Year: 1946 
Call No: 598.6 
British plant life 
Year: 1948 
Call No: 580 
Butterflies of the wood 
Year: 1953 
Call No: 595.78 
Butterfly lives 
Year: 1947 
Call No: 595.78 
Collins complete guide to British trees 
Year: 2007 
Call No: 582.6 
Collins field guide: insects of Britain and Northern Europe 3rd ed 
Year: 1993 
Call No: 595.7