
Call No: 423.5(SLA) [ All ]

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  Title Copies
After the battle: the other D-Days. Number 44 
Year: 1984 
Call No: 423.5(SLA) 
American forces at Salcombe and Slapton during World War Two. 
Year: 1984 
Call No: 423.5(SLA) 
Article I: Remarks on the natural history of the Parish of Slapton near Dartmouth Devonshire. 
Year: 1923 
Call No: 423.5(SLA) 
Evacuation: a tale of three villages. Directed by Ian Phillips 
Year: 2013 
Call No: 423.5(SLA) 
Exercises Tiger and Fabius: an illustrated account of the American assault exercises held at Slapton Sands in 1944 as a rehearsal for part of the D-Day landings in France. 
Call No: 423.5(SLA) 
Fight for truth took man to edge of breakdown 
Edition: 7th September  
Year: 1987 
Call No: 423.5(SLA) 
Fortunate place: the history of Slapton in South Devon. 
Year: 1983 
Call No: 423.5(SLA) 
Invasion before Normandy: the secret battle of Slapton Sands 
Year: 1988 
Call No: 423.5(SLA) 
Newspaper cuttings and artciles about Slapton Ley Field Centre and National Nature Reserve. Various dates 19802 and 1990s 
Call No: 423.5(SLA) 
Newspaper cuttings and artciles about Slapton Ley Field Centre and National Nature Reserve. Various dates to 1995 
Call No: 423.5(SLA)