
Tag: Plants [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Biology of bracken 
Year: 1976 
Call No: 582.394 
Botanical Latin: history grammar syntax terminology and vocabulary 
Year: 1966 
Call No: 580.3 
Britain's endangered palnts 
Call No: 583 
Britain's green mantle: past present and future 
Year: 1940 
Call No: 581.9 
British Islands and their vegetation. Volume 1 
Year: 1953 
Call No: 581.5 
British Islands and their vegetation. Volume 2 
Year: 1953 
Call No: 581.5 
British plant communities Volume 2: Mires and heaths 
Year: 1990 
ISBN: 0521627206 
Call No: 582.5 
British plant communities Volume 3: Grasslands and montane communities 
Year: 1992 
ISBN: 0521627192 
Call No: 582.542 
British plant communities Volume 5: Maritime communities and vegetation of open habitiats 
Year: 2000 
ISBN: 0521644763 
Call No: 582.5 
British plant life 
Year: 1948 
Call No: 580