Results for "C"

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  Title Copies
Collins field guide: insects of Britain and Northern Europe 3rd ed 
Year: 1993 
Call No: 595.7 
Collins flower guide 
Year: 2009 
Call No: 582.4 
Collins pocket guide to the seashore. 
Year: 1958 
Call No: 593 
Coastal spray weathering of bedrock in the Supratidal Zone at East Prawle South Devon. 
Year: 1982 
Call No: 551.311 
Climate at Slapton Ley. 
Year: 1975 
Call No: 551.58 
Corrigiola litoralis L in the British Middle Pleistocene 
Year: 1994 
Call No: 582.669 
Coastal Head deposits between Start Point and Hope Cove Devon. 
Year: 1971 
Call No: 551.351 
Coastal vegetated shingle structures of Great Britain: Appendix 3. Shingle sites in England. Slapton Bar 
Year: 1994 
Call No: 551.452(SLA) 
Control of eutrophication of small shallow lakes in the United Kingdom: the legal framework. 
Year: 1993 
Call No: 556.521 
Checklist of the birds of Slapton Ley Nature Reserve 1801-1985 
Year: 1985 
Call No: 598.25