Results for "N"

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  Title Copies
Non-invasive technique for identifying individual badgers (Meles meles) 
Year: 2003 
Call No: 599.742 
Natural History of Slapton Ley National Nature Reserve XX: The changing Bryophyte flora. 
Year: 1993 
Call No: 582.32 
Natural history of Slapton Ley National Nature Reserve XXI: The palaeolimnology of the uppermost sediments of the Lower Ley with interpretations based on 210Pb dating and the historical record. 
Year: 1994 
Call No: 556.55 
Natural history of Slapton Ley National Nature Reserve XXII: Isolation of Microfungi from Soil and Water Samples. 
Year: 1994 
Call No: 582.28 
Natural history of Slapton Ley Nature Reserve III: The flowering plants and ferns. 
Year: 1993 
Call No: 582 
Natural history of Slapton Ley Nature Reserve XIX: a preliminary study on the control of nitrate and phosphate pollution in wetlands. 
Year: 1991 
Call No: 556.522 
Natural history of the lakes tarns and streams of the English Lake District (extract regarding caddis-flies) 
Year: 1991 
Call No: 595.74 
Natural woodland: ecology and conservation in northern temperate regions 
Year: 1996 
Call No: 630 
Naturalist summers: pages from a field studies journal. 
Year: 1994 
Call No: 502.9(FIE) 
Nature and distribution of beach sediments Slapton Sands Devon 
Year: 1991 
Call No: 551.452(SLA)