Results for "R"

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  Title Copies
River plants: the macrophytic vegetation of watercourses 
Year: 1978 
Call No: 582.5 
Road verges on rural roads: management and other factors. A report based on information given by Country Council Highway Departments in England and Wales in 1972 
Year: 1972 
Call No: 625.733 
Rocks and minerals of the world 
Year: 1973 
Call No: 549 
RSPB Guide to Birdwatching 
Year: 1978 
Call No: 598.2 
RSPB guide to British birds 
Year: 1975 
Call No: 598.2 
Runoff contributing areas and erosion 
Year: 1977 
Call No: 556.16 
Reading the landscape: integrating the theory and practice of geomorphology to develop place-based understandings of river systems 
Year: 2013 
Call No: 556.53 
Runoff processes and streamflow modelling. 
Year: 1975 
Call No: 556.16 
Realms of environmental meaning: a case study of the interactions between scientific rationale and ideas of place at Slapton Ley Nature Reserve Devon UK 
Year: 2001 
Call No: 502.4(SLA) 
Rural communities 
Year: 1979 
Call No: 911.4