Results for "C"

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  Title Copies
Common British fungi: a guide to the more common larger Basidiomycetes of the British Isles 
Year: 1950 
Call No: 582.28 
Collins pocket guide to the seashore. 
Year: 1958 
Call No: 593 
Collins Pocket Guide to British Birds 
Year: 1952 
Call No: 598.2 
Coastal and submarine morphology 
Year: 1958 
Call No: 551.45 
Cloud study: a pictorial guide 
Year: 1957 
Call No: 551.57 
Climatological atlas of the British Isles 
Year: 1952 
Call No: 551.58 
Caddis: a short account of the biology of British caddis flies with special reference to the immature stages. 
Year: 1952 
Call No: 595.74 
Coarse fishes of Britain being the final report on the coarse fish investigation 
Year: 1947 
Call No: 597 
Check list of British insects 
Year: 1945 
Call No: 595.7 
Caterpillars of the British butterflies including the eggs chrysalids and food plants 
Year: 1944 
Call No: 595.78