New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
A monograph of the British Neuroptera 
Volume: Vosl 1 & 2 
Year: 1936 
British Hydracarina 
Volume: Vols 1 to 3 
Year: 1925 
The British Tunicata: an unfinished monograph 
Volume: vols 1 to 3 
Year: 1901 
A monograph of the British Desmidiaceae 
Volume: Vols 1 to 5 
Year: 1904 
Bird-life in a southern county 
Year: 1896 
Wild birds and the land 
Year: 1948 
Wild mammals and the land 
Year: 1951 
Laboratory exercises in physical geography and earth science 
Year: 1948 
A contour dictionary 
Year: 1953 
The Sportsman's British bird book 
Year: 1908