
Call No: 553.1 [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Movement of beach sand 
Year: 1966 
Call No: 553.1 
Observations of morphological change and sediment transport on a steep gravel beach. 
Year: 2006 
Call No: 553.1 
Paleolimnological studies of annually-laminated sediments in Loe Pool Cornwall U.K. 
Year: 1983 
Call No: 553.1 
Quartile deviation-median diameter analysis of surface and core sediments from Start Bay 
Year: 1975 
Call No: 553.1 
Rivers of mud - geomorphological perspectives on the sediment problem. Inaugural Lecture. 
Call No: 553.1 
Sediment analysis 
Call No: 553.1 
Sediment analysis: various papers. Information on grain size pebble roundness classification bedload analysis 
Call No: 553.1 
Sediment and solute dynamics. 
Year: 1993 
Call No: 553.1 
Sediment and solute load characteristics of a small agricultural catchment 
Year: 1981 
Call No: 553.1 
Sediment distribution and Quaternary history 
Year: 1975 
Call No: 553.1