
Tag: Conservation [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Practical conservation: water and wetlands 
Year: 1992 
Call No: 502.5 
Practical conservation: woodlands 
Year: 1990 
Call No: 502.4 
Prospectus for protected landscapes in the South West 
Call No: 502.63 
Psychobiogeography: meanings of nature and motivations for a democratized conservtion ethic. 
Year: 2001 
Call No: 502.1 
Rare birds in Britain and Ireland: a photographic record 
Year: 1996 
Call No: 598.25 
Recovery: a proposed programme for Britain's protected species 
Year: 1990 
Call No: 502.5 
Seedling survivorship and trampling in two blowouts on the Shingle Ridge 
Year: 1987 
Call No: 502.57 
Select Committee on the European Communities: Habitat and species protection 
Year: 1989 
Call No: 502.5 
Skerries Bank and surrounds: recommended marine conservation zone (MCZ) 
Year: 2012 
Call No: 502.4 
Slapton Ley Shingle Ridge. Exclosure Plot Survey 1-20 July 1987. 
Year: 1987 
Call No: 502.57