
Call No: 556.522 [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Stream nitrate levels in a small catchment in South West England over a period of 35 years (1970-2005) 
Year: 2009 
Call No: 556.522 
Stream water quality and nutrient export in the Slapton catchments. 
Year: 1996 
Call No: 556.522 
Stream water quality in the Slapton Catchments: a meta-analysis of key trends since 1970 
Year: 2019 
Call No: 556.522 
Stream water quality in the Slapton Catchments: analysis of key trends since 1970 
Year: 2019 
Call No: 556.522 
Study of phosphorous dynamics in a freshwater wetland Slapton South Devon. 
Year: 1990 
Call No: 556.522 
Study of the spatial distribution of surface water nitrate concentration levels under low flow conditions within a small catchment in South Devon. 
Year: 1986 
Call No: 556.522 
Study of the stream chemistry of a small Devon catchment with particular reference to nitrate phosphate and ammonia. 
Year: 1984 
Call No: 556.522 
Study on nitrates entering Slapton Ley Devon. 
Year: 1979 
Call No: 556.522 
Studying an issue - nitrates in the water supply. 
Year: 1988 
Call No: 556.522 
Surveys of nitrate levels in Slapton Catchment 1984-1986 
Call No: 556.522