
Call No: 556.522 [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Nitrogen in the environment Volume 2 Soil-plant-nitrogen relationships 
Year: 1978 
Call No: 556.522 
Pesticides 2000: a summary of monitory of the aquatic environment in England and Wales 
Call No: 556.522 
Proceedings of the conference "Countdown on nitrates". Organised by the Council for Environmental Conservation at the Zoological Society of London 20 Novemebr 1986 
Year: 1986 
Call No: 556.522 
Proposal for a Council Directive concerning the protection of fresh coastal and marine waters against pollution caused by nitrates from diffuse sources. 
Year: 1988 
Call No: 556.522 
Research to characterise the nature of preferential flow in soils with special reference to the movement of surface-applied nitrate fertiliser à 
Call No: 556.522 
Slapton Wood stream nitrate data 1971-1994 
Call No: 556.522 
Soil nitrate sources and nitrate leaching losses Slapton South Devon. 
Year: 1991 
Call No: 556.522 
Some observations on stream nitrate levels and fertiliser application at Slapton South Devon. 
Call No: 556.522 
Stream nitrate levels in a small catchment in South West England over a period of 15 years (1970-1985) 
Year: 1988 
Call No: 556.522 
Stream nitrate levels in a small catchment in South West England over a period of 15 years (1970-1985) 
Year: 1988 
Call No: 556.522