
Call No: 553.1 [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Observations of morphological change and sediment transport on a steep gravel beach. 
Year: 2006 
Call No: 553.1 
Movement of beach sand 
Year: 1966 
Call No: 553.1 
Mechanics of sediment transportation and alluvial stream problems 
Year: 1977 
Call No: 553.1 
Investigating contemporary and historical sediment inputs to Slapton Higher Ley: an analysis of the robustness of source ascription methods when applied to lake sediment data 
Year: 2002 
Call No: 553.1 
Introduction to sedimentology 
Year: 1976 
Call No: 553.1 
Igneous intrusions of the Stoke Fleming Area South Devon. 
Year: 1929 
Call No: 553.1 
Foraminiferida from Holocene sediments. 
Year: 1975 
Call No: 553.1 
Evidence for past and present erosion in the Slapton catchment South West Devon 
Call No: 553.1 
Earth surface sediment transport 
Year: 1977 
Call No: 553.1 
Carbonate sediments and their diagenesis. 2nd ed 
Year: 1975 
Call No: 553.1