Results for "B"

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  Title Copies
BM fern crib [British Museum]. Rev ed. 
Year: 1987 
Call No: 582.394 
British marine amphipoda: gammaridea 
Year: 1979 
Call No: 595.371 
British whales dolphins and porpoises: a guide to identification and reporting of stranded [ones] on the British coasts 
Year: 1976 
Call No: 599.5 
Butterflies and moths in Britain and Europe 
Year: 1982 
Call No: 595.78 
British ascidians. Tunicata: ascidiacea. Keys and notes for identification of the species 
Year: 1970 
Call No: 594.9 
Biology and management of perch (Perca fluviatilis L) and pike (Esox lucius L) in Slapton Ley Devon 
Year: 1978 
Call No: 597.5 
Biology of pike Esox lucius L. in a southern eutrophic lake. 
Year: 1980 
Call No: 597.556 
Beginners's guide to seaweeds 
Year: 1971 
Call No: 582.26 
Behavioural aspects of parasite transmission 
Year: 1972 
Call No: 576.8 
Biology of bracken 
Year: 1976 
Call No: 582.394